Systematic Political Science

Test your ability to apply the fundamentals of systematic political science to a nation-state of your choosing. Once you have determined whether your nation-state is either First, Second or Third World, you must select its present societal level. If you’re correct, you will be able to use the corresponding model to predict that society’s next level of behavior.

To quickly check your accuracy, complete the one or two step process below.

Which of the following three options best describes your nation-state?

1. The society was founded with a document of agreement between its citizens and the government based on 51% or more of the population’s belief in the balanced God of love and justice accepting all natural laws. SELECT

2. The society was founded with an agreement between its citizens and the government based on 51% or more of the population’s belief in an unbalanced god of love or justice or a force complying with many natural laws. SELECT

3. The society was founded with an informal agreement between its citizens and the government based on 51% or more of the population’s belief in a god of objects, animals, other humans, societal institutions, one’s self or beings of evil complying with few natural laws. SELECT